


Online event :Your next challenge can be done in rural Japan

Online event :Your next challenge can be done in rural Japan

Featuring 3 people challenging in Setouchi islands, known as Japanese Mediterranean

Have you considered living in rural area of Japan to achieve your ideal life?
The lower cost of living in rural areas is one of the many advantages compared to life in the city. New opportunities for you to create your ideal lifestyle or new business with less funding and local community support.
Hiroshima is a great place to settle to and begin a new life offering unique landscapes, a rich and diverse environment, and new and exciting opportunities.
Three guests living in Setouchi islands, known as the Japanese Mediterranean, will share their lifestyle and challenges highlighted by the keywords below:

<Keyword 1> Photograph and Emigration Suppor
<Keyword 2> Sustainable Agriculture
<Keyword 3> Sustainable Traditional Buildings

Tom Coulton, living in Mitarai in Kure city, runs a photo studio and British style café. He also supports people who want to emigrate to the island.

Thomas Kloepfer, living in Mukaishima in Onomichi city, runs a natural farm. As a regenerative farmer, his challenge is to maintain natural cycles that allow plants to thrive.

Gurvan Maillard, living in Osakikamijima, is a plasterer working with traditional materials such as clay, line and bamboo. His challenge is to use sustainable materials to renovate Japanese traditional buildings.

All of the guests are “challenging” to achieve their ideal lifestyle!

Discussion topics!!

★The challenges involved in creating your ideal lifestyle
★How to achieve a balanced income that suits your work and working style
★Pros and Cons of living on an island or in rural area
★How to create, manage, and maintain relationships with local people and friends in new places
★The challenges involved in developing a sustainable lifestyle in rural Japan

Event Details / イベント概要

Date&Time:Sat 6 March 2021, 17:00 - 18:00 JST
Location:On your smartphone or PC
Application:Zoom(Meeting style)
Due to the large number of applications, we will change to Webinar style.
Organizer:Hiroshima prefectural government office
Co-host:NPO Furusato kaiki support center 
Contact:Chiikiryoku souzou ka,Hiroshima prefectual government office
Tel: 082-513-2581

※After your attendance registration completed, we will send zoom MTG URL.
※calling and data communication cost are not included. WIFI connection use recommended.
※注意 通話・通信料はご自身での負担となります。wifi環境でのご利用をお勧めします。

◆Please use the form below to apply for the event.
◆Event applications will be accepted until 16:00 on the day of the event.(6 March)(JPT)

★If you don't get the invitaion email 4pm on 5th March, please let us know to the Email address below.

MC & Guests

Tom Coulton

<MC & guest speaker>
Tom moved to Mitarai area in Osaki-shimojima island
(Kure-city, Hiroshima) about 6 years ago.
He lives as a professional He lives as a photographer from Tokyo area and Hiroshima local business offers.
And also, he runs a photo studio and British style cafe in Mitarai area which he renovated Japanese style old house by himself.

Thomas Kloepfer

He emigrated to Mukaishima, located in opposite bank of Onomichi, from Athens, Georgia in 2011, and started a natural farm on the hill overlooking the calm sea. Utilizing the natural ecosystem, he produces seasonal vegetables, fruits, and herbs. There are sheep, chickens, goats, and ducks. He sells his produce locally and online.
He is challenging conventional approaches to agriculture, and celebrating the land, the people, and the moment.

Gurvan Maillard

Gurvan is a plasterer working with traditional materials such as clay, line and bamboos. After two masters in Japanese studies in France and in sociology in Japan, he met a plasterer during his PhD and choses to become one. As such he is helping his community to maintain and preserve old houses while promoting awareness toward the use of natural materials and traditional know-how.

主催:広島県、広島県交流・定住促進協議会 共催:認定NPO法人ふるさと回帰支援センター
Organizer: Hiroshima prefecture, Hiroshima prefecture interaction and settlement of people promotion council
Co-organizer: NPO Furusato Kaiki Shien Center

※The submitted personal information will be managed by the secretariat and will not be used for any purpose other than the activity and notification of various events held by Hiroshima Prefecture.

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